Friday, January 28, 2011

Diaper Cake!

I was honored to be one of the hostesses for my best friend’s baby shower.  Since this was her second baby and it was also going to be a baby boy she decided she really didn’t need that many baby items.  So her two sisters and I decided to throw her a diaper and wipes shower.  I am the crafty one of the hostesses so I was in charge of centerpieces.  We quickly decided on diaper cakes, even though I had never made one.  I thought, how hard could they be?    I soon learned that not only are they not hard to make, there is a lot of room for errors and mistakes!  That’s my kind of craft. 
I went to my go to site to search for ideas:OnePrettyThing
Once there I looked through the different ways to make the cakes and settled on this version made by :Little Pink Dollhouse.  I basically did her tutorial with a few modifications.  I wanted wider layers since they were going to be centerpieces so I replaced the bottles on the bottom and middle layer with rolls of toilet paper.  This also made the cakes stackable and so much easier to transport.  The top layer is all diapers wrapped around a stuffed animal. 
Since my best friend had decided on a safari theme it was easy to pick the ribbon and the animals.  I even decorated a wipes box to match the theme.  Without further ado, here are the finished cakes.  Sorry there are no assembly pictures but I wasn’t really blogging when I made these. 
This cute alligator was my favorite.  He is so squishy
The monkey is a rattle!
This giraffe was a favorite at the shower. 
So, if you are planning a baby shower I highly recommend making a diaper cake.  So cute and useful since all the diapers can be used when baby gets here. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hoo are You?

This is the first time I have joined the Hoo are you Party.  It’s been fun reading about everyone.  If you haven’t joined the party you really should! 


1.Do you wear glasses or contacts, if so for how long?

I wear glasses to read. I have never had contacts and can’t imagine starting every morning by sticking my finger in my eye.  I got my first pair of glasses my freshman year of college

2. What was your favorite board game as a kid?
I loved Clue… actually I still do.

3. What is a word that you use all the time?
I use the word eleventy-billion all the time. Anytime I have to use a number that’s the one I pick. ie: I did eleventy-billion loads of laundry today.

4. What is your favorite day of the week?
Thursdays because it’s one of my days off from work.

5. Did you graduate high school from the town you grew up in?
Yep, and I am still friends with several of my friends from elementary school and Junior High.

So...Hoo are you?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Crafty tonight!

I went to Hobby Lobby tonight and got inspired to do all sorts of crafts.  Unfortunatley I have to be an adult and clean my kitchen first.  Once the kitchen is clean, I can open my Hobby Lobby bags and start on that tutorial I promised y'all.  Are you excited?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Procrastinators Unite!…..Tomorrow

I am trying to get better about updating this blog.  My previous attempts at maintaining the blog have been a failure due to computer issues and the fact that I can sometimes be a bit lazy.  Hey I admit it and that’s the first step of fixing the problemSmile   I am finding it much easier to blog since my husband bought me a laptop for Christmas.  I am also using Windows Live Writer and it seems easier to use as well.  I am still learning the ropes here and am learning new things every day!  I am going to try to post a tutorial at the end of the week so stay tuned.  I will give you a hint… it’s colorful, girly and has a bit of bling too.  My nieces loved them when they got them for Christmas. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rah Rah TCU!


Written by Tom Rinaldi

"It is the color of emperors.
The shade of the royal.
And today, it storms the game's palace.
In a bowl that's belonged to scarlet & gray, maize & blue, cardinal & gold -- purple enters the picture.
What does a color carry on this day, in this place?
Performance over pedigree.
Ability over lineage.
Confidence over conference.
Today, the Granddaddy welcomes a
few new sons dressed for majesty, eager for victory."

It’s a great time to be a Horned Frog.  Congratulations on a Perfect Season and being the 2011 Rose Bowl Champions!
Rose Frog